Independent. Pro bono.

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protests, police, community and society.

We cover protests, social and community movements, and police activity in New York City and nearby regions.

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  • Posted by protestnyc
January 4, 2023

Please allow a few moments for the Twitter feed to fully append images. BLM

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  • protestnyc
  • Posted by protestnyc
January 4, 2023
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November 8, 2022
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  • Posted by protestnyc
November 8, 2022
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August 14, 2022
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August 14, 2022
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  • Posted by protestnyc
November 8, 2022
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July 12, 2022
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April 1, 2022
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April 1, 2022

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November 8, 2022
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September 4, 2022
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August 14, 2022
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  • Posted by protestnyc

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We’re a team of volunteer journalists who are enthusiastic about our city and its future. We share stories from on the ground and in the streets.

Scenes from First Post-Roe Pride Weekend

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Yippies Hit DC With Act Up, Rise And Resist For 50th Anniversary Of Watergate

    Ahead of his upcoming van trip* to DC for a protest and 'Yippie reenactment,' 76-year-old cannabis, ibogaine, and housing activist Dana Beal weighed in on #J6,...

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May 1, 2022

Mayday Festival of Resistance

Location: Maria Hernandez Park Bushwick, Brooklyn. Organization: Photographer: Tiana Hester PRESS RELEASE FOLLOWS: The annual May Day Festival of Resistance is back on Sunday, May 1st, 2022 (1-7pm) at...

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